How To Administer RoboKind Phonics Assessment

The goal of this article is to guide Phonics partners through effectively administering the RoboKind Phonics Assessments.


RoboKind Phonics offers two types of assessments: Pre/Post Assessment and Progress Monitoring Assessment.

The Pre and Post Assessments are identical and are designed to measure the student's progress before and after completing Level 1.

  • Phonics Level 1 consists of 68 lessons spread across four units.
  • Progress Monitoring Assessments are administered after every 10 lessons.

Accessing the Pre/Post Assessment:

The pre-assessment will automatically appear for students before starting their lessons. Alternatively, it can be accessed through the "select a lesson" menu.

  • Duration: Approximately 10 minutes.

If needed, you are able to bypass the assessment. Please provide the reasoning and press "Skip". 

Note- lessons will not be recommended in "Up Next" on your Lessons Selection screen if the pre-assessment is skipped!

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Administering the Progress Monitoring Assessment:

Conducted after every 10 lessons, this assessment does not include an attitude survey for students to express their feelings about reading (only in pre/post assessment)

  • Duration: Approximately 6 minutes.

Common Features in Both Assessments:

Both assessments utilize a quick check-up called the "Letter Naming Sprint" and "Silly Word Sprint". Every time an assessment is taken, different random letters and words are presented to the student.

  • Duration: Each sprint lasts for one minute.

Conducting the Sprints:

The robot/ virtual avatar begins with an introduction. Click "Next" to proceed.

Letter Naming Sprint:

Introduction, example, and timed assessment are provided. If students are unsure, they can opt for "skip" or "I don't know".

On the teacher side, click the "start" button.

  • A letter will appear on the student's screen.

  • Use the stopwatch on your screen to time the student.

  • Mark responses as:

    • Correct: Click the green checkmark.

    • Incorrect: Click the red X.

  • If a student hesitates for more than three seconds, provide the letter's name.

  • Corrections can be made by clicking on the letter and adjusting the response.

Silly Word Sprint:

Introduction, example, and timed assessment are provided. Words are CVC or closed syllables with short vowels.

  • Use the stopwatch on your screen to time the student.

  • Mark responses as:

    • Correct: Click the green checkmark.

    • Incorrect: Click the red X.

  • Corrections can be made by clicking on the word and adjusting the response.


Administering the Attitude Survey:

Consists of 20 questions. The teacher should read each question aloud to the student.

  • The student will click on a face to indicate their feelings.
  • Students should not read the questions themselves.

After completing the assessment, a "great job/reward" screen will appear to congratulate the student.

Assessment Tips:

  • Ensure a quiet environment for the student during the assessment.

  • Encourage the student to take their time and do their best.

  • At the end of the assessment, the teacher can make notes about the student in the survey.
    • Example: This student is nonspeaking and this might impact the results

Once the pre-assessment is complete, lessons along with the type of support will be recommended based on your student's results. You can select "Recommended Lessons" and it will bring you to "Up Next" in the Lesson Selection screen!