RoboKind Lead Handbook

Are you a "RoboKind Lead" or Supervisor of the RoboKind program? We've created a simple implementation guide to help support your educators!

📚Table of Contents:📚

📘 Before Your First "Getting Started" Professional Learning
📘Weeks 1 - 3 After Professional Learning
📘Weeks 4 - 6 After Professional Learning
📘Monthly Support Tasks
📘Quarterly Things To Note
📘Semester Technology "To Do" Items
📘In the Classroom/School "Look For" Items

Before your first "Getting Started" Professional Learning

  • Pair your devices and run a lesson for the first time!  
  • Identify your lead educator(s) who will be ready and excited to bring something new into their classroom. If possible, share videos and/or information about RoboKind to find out what needs they'll have for your upcoming professional learning. Feel free to share this information with your Partnership Success Manager.  
  • Communicate any implementation questions / needs / concerns with your Partnership Success Manager.
  • Join the RoboKind Community!
  • Remind your educators to bring laptops to the Professional Learning session the day before it's scheduled. 

Weeks 1 - 3 after Professional Learning

  • Check out our Knowledge Base - we have lots of articles to support your educators! 
  • Encourage your educators to join the RoboKind Community!
  • Support teachers in rostering students.

  • Support teachers in assigning IEP social skills and/or phonics goals for 2-5 students.

  • Encourage teachers to begin Introductory Lessons.

  • Support teachers in thinking through social skills and/or phonics scheduling.

  • For Social Skills: Support teachers with working through the RoboQuiz with 2-5 students and understanding the purpose of the RoboQuiz.

  • For Phonics: Support teachers in administering and understanding the phonics pre-assessment.

  • Support documents for tracking Social Skills RoboQuiz and Phonics Pre-assessment. 

  • Follow up with teachers after PSM 2-week check-in (what’s going well, what’s “sticky”, any tech issues). and schedule a meeting (if needed) with your PSM.

Weeks 4 - 6 after Professional Learning

  • Support teachers as they continue to teach the Introduction lessons and administer the RoboQuiz and/or Phonics Pre-assessment.

  • Begin monitoring data for social skills and/or phonics.

  • Support teachers as they finish up the RoboQuiz and finalize their schedule.

  • Support teachers as they begin the Calm Down Module in individual and collaborative group lessons.

  • Encourage teachers to join the RK Community to learn with other RK educators. 

  • Check out our RoboKind Recess blog - lots of great implementation stories from real districts. 

Monthly support tasks

  • Support teachers as they begin lesson delivery based on student needs and IEP goals.

  • Ensure teachers understand how Mastery Stars work and when to use the Structured and Naturalistic Practice activities.

  • After reviewing your data, check in with educators whose minutes are lower than expected. Do they need additional support? Are they overwhelmed with additional expectations? Is there a technology issue in implementing RoboKind?

  • If you notice any outstanding RoboKind implementation, highlight that teacher at an upcoming faculty meeting and in a social media post (be sure to tag us so we can share!).

Quarterly things to note

  • Once you receive your quarterly data report from your Partnership Success Manager, analyze the modules your educators are engaging in and consider where you are in the implementation. For example, if it's February and your educators have been in the Introductory module since August, they might need support to add IEP goals into student profiles to customize student learning pathways for additional modules. Or they might need support in scheduling RoboKind into their day.

  • Give a shoutout to your educators with exceptional usage! Loop them in with your Partnership Success Manager so RoboKind can highlight their success stories on their social media channels.

  • Check in with educators whose minutes are lower than expected. Do they need additional support? Are they overwhelmed with additional expectations? Is there a technology issue in implementing RoboKind?
  • Set goals for the upcoming quarter with your team based on the previous quarter.

  • If you have any events (dress up days, assemblies, fun school challenges), work with your team and your Partnership Success Manager to brainstorm ways to elevate RoboKind in your classroom and on your campus.

Semester technology "to do" items

  • Make sure your robots and/or devices are running on the latest software version(s).

  • Check the latest software release notes to see what's new!

  • Send a quick "check in" email to your educators to make sure that RoboKind is working as expected (robots and/or virtual avatars). Loop your Partnership Success Manager in on any issues your educators may be experiencing. 

In the Classroom/School "Look For" Items

✅Are educators able to schedule individual and collaborative group lessons during the day? You might review the daily rotation schedule with each educator to find opportunities to maximize RoboKind's student impact.

✅How well is robot placement working? Is placement available for individual and small collaborative learning session that do not disrupt other learners?

✅Does the educator have an interactive board? For lessons that benefit all students (Ex: Calm Down module lessons), the interactive board is a great way to teach collaborative lessons for groups. Here's an example from Marshall County, Alabama

✅Would the RoboKind Controller be a valuable tool for morning meetings and additional personalized lessons? If this is a good fit for your educator, here's a blog on some ideas to get started!